A SESDA team member, Kathryn Hansen, went to sea for three weeks off the north coast of Alaska, on NASA's ICESCAPE oceanographic mission, shooting photographs and video. Images taken have been added to a NASA Flickr set, with hundreds more set to be archived for future usage. The film footage will be used for a […]
SESDA 2 Staff Played a Major Role in the Success of the NASA Earth Day Exhibition on the National Mall. SESDA 2 staff coordinated and helped logistics and operation of the NASA exhibition during April 17-26 on the National Mall. The exhibition received thousands of visitors though out the week and was a highlight of […]
The SESDA II Cassini team played a vital role in the production of remarkable new surface thermal maps of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. A recent spacecraft flyby of the southern pole yielded highly detailed images of the moon’s surface that reveal amazing features such as jets spewing icy crystals and organic particles from frigid valleys, and […]
SESDA II staff has set up a web-cam in the NASA/GSFC Building 29 clean room so that anybody can watch work being done on components of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in real-time. A NASA web page is updated regularly with information and descriptions of the work that’s underway while the camera itself updates […]
SESDA II scientists and media staff at the STEREO Science Center received a rare added bonus while processing video images of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) obtained with one of the twin STEREO coronagraphs. The coronagraph’s occulting disk blocked out sufficient background light from the Sun’s gleaming outer firmament that Jupiter and four of its […]
SESDA II staff members planned and implemented the NASA booth at the Fall American Geophysical meeting in San Francisco. More than 10,000 people viewed booth exhibits and events, including the ‘Dynamic Planet’; an 81” video board showing continuous clips of NASA Science research and results; plus talks by prominent scientists. The SESDA team was led […]
SESDA II staff member, Maurice Henderson, attended and supported the Science on a Sphere exhibit at the 15th Conference of the Parties Surroundings Change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, in December. Several surroundings scientists presented data using the Sphere. The figure shows Dr. Alexander MacDonald, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric […]
Dr. Tony Phillips, currently a consultant working with SESDA II staff, has developed a novel freeware application for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch that uses real-time observations from the twin STEREO spacecraft to give a 3-D view of the state of the Sun. Views from both the STEREO Ahead and Behind spacecraft are blended […]
With SDO launch looming in early 2010, SESDA II Education and Public Outreach (EPO) staff are planning the first ever launch Tweetup (http://twitter.com/NASA_SDO) where people who twitter can come together to meet in person at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Twitter has become the preeminent tool for providing timely information to the general public on […]
If you’re like most people you keep in touch with your social network via Facebook. Well, now you can make a new friend: the James Webb Space Telescope! A SESDA II staff member who participates in Education and Public Outreach for the JWST project started this page as a way to keep the public interested […]