SESDA System Administrators Lead Data CIG Discussion

September 21, 2015

Phil Webster presented Goddard’s Notional IT Architecture and Future Plans as part of SESDA’s Data Center Common Interest Group (Data CIG).
Phil Webster presented Goddard’s Notional IT Architecture and Future Plans as part of SESDA’s Data Center Common Interest Group (Data CIG).

As part of the recently initiated Data Center Common Interest Group (“Data CIG”), Phil Webster gave a presentation on the center’s Notional Architecture and Future Plans on 6 August 2015 at Building 21, Rm 183a. This plan represents a major paradigm shift and is essential to the effective management, productivity, security and affordability of GSFC’s Enterprise IT Architecture. Due to the IT focus the SESDA System Administrators were specifically invited and led an active discussion after the talk. A number of SAs inquired about participation in the on-going open activities, working groups, and forums (especially supporting the four architecture components of the IT Master Plan) to help drive the center’s IT projects and support plans for the future.

As usual the presentation was broadcast via Adnet’s Join.Me service and attended by remote participants in addition to local attendees. The Data Center CIG members were briefed via the usual mailing list ( and the slides of Phil’s presentation were posted at the Data Center CIG Wiki (

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