SESDA Science Writers Publicize New Results from OCO-2

January 12, 2018

SESDA science writers developed and published a feature story that provides an overview of how high-resolution satellite data from NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 are revealing the subtle ways that carbon links everything on Earth – the ocean, land, atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems and human activities. Scientists using the first 2 1/2 years of OCO-2 data have published a special collection of five papers in the journal Science that demonstrates the breadth of this research. In addition to showing how drought and heat in tropical forests affected global carbon dioxide levels during the 2015-16 El NiƱo, other results from these papers focus on ocean carbon release and absorption, urban emissions and a new way to study photosynthesis. The image shows variations in CO2 over LA and the nearby desert. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Google Earth

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