Live from New Orleans: SESDA II Staff Implement One of the World’s Fastest Networks
For part of November, with the help of SESDA II’s High End Computing Network (HECN) staff, New Orleans is home to one of the fastest computer networks anywhere in the world. Called SCinet, the network is created each year exclusively for “SC”, the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis. This year’s conference, SC10 in New Orleans, is being attended by several members of the HECN group, including two SESDA staff members, who developed the cutting edge architecture, installed the complex system, and are demonstrating it to show its applicability to bandwidth-intensive applications that are typically found in the supercomputing and cloud computing worlds. Their year’s state-of-the-art network boasts capacity of over 260 gigabits per second – fast enough to allow the entire collection of books at the Library of Congress to be transferred in less than thirty seconds. Our HECN group’s contribution includes new technology that gives 40 gigabit per second disk-to-disk transfers and 100 gbps memory-to-memory transfers over transcontinental distances!