Record-Setting Disk-to-Disk Network Data Transfer by HECN work at SC14
SESDA’s High End Computer Networking (HECN) Team worked with the Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX), Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and StarLight network R&D partners to establish a 100 GigE wide area network (WAN) path between NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and the SuperComputing 2014 (SC14) event in New Orleans (for details of SC14 see: The HECN team built the high performance RAID servers that were used to achieve a record of 96+ Gigabits per second (Gbps) disk-to-disk network file data transfer rate, utilizing 8 cores and 8 network streams to transfer 2 Terabytes of data. The accompanying figure shows some of the data transfer results during the demonstrations.