SESDA III Outreach Extends to India
The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Education and Outreach team was part of a delegation that included scientists, engineers, and outreach professionals from NASA HQ, GSFC, JPL, Stanford University, and Grove of Hope, who were invited to the Coimbatore Space Festival hosted by Bharathiar University in Coimbatore, India in July 2012. The festival was a resounding success with over 100,000 people attending the six day event that celebrated space science, and engineering. The team lead thousands of students through a series of hands-on engineering and science activities, as well as conducting several public lectures and daily teacher workshops for both elementary and high school teachers. This first of its kind festival was designed to inspire students to be involved in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields and studies and was inaugurated by former Indian President and scientist Dr A.P. J. Abdul Kalam.