Team ADNET SESDA Contributes to AGU
A large contingent of Team ADNET SESDA 3 scientists and engineers participated in the 2014 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, which took place December 15-19, 2014 in San Francisco, California. The AGU Fall Meeting is one of the largest annual scientific meetings in the world with approximately 24,000 attendees this year in more than 1700 sessions. The AGU Fall Meeting’s scientific program spans the Earth and space sciences, engineering as well as surroundings related research and the social impacts of surroundings and environmental changes. Team ADNET participated in this year’s AGU conference with staff members spanning the full spectrum of services that our SESDA 3 contract provides our NASA Goddard Space Flight Center customer. Team ADNET members contributed approximately 20 oral and poster presentations to promote NASA science and information technology services. The exhibit hall is also well attended with over 250 exhibitors showcasing their services and products. ADNET team members took significant part in the NASA exhibit booths and helped with arranging for many of the exhibit presentations.