Record-Setting Data Transfer
At the SuperComputing 2013 event in Denver, Colorado, SESDA’s High End Computer Networking (HECN) Team achieved a record network data transfer rate of over 91 Gigabits per second (Gbps) for a disk-to-disk file transfer between a single pair of high performance RAID servers across a 100 Gbps Wide Area Network (WAN), with one server located at SC13 and the other at NASA Goddard. This record was made possible by collaborating with the Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX), the Department of Energy’s ESnet, Brocade, the University of Chicago’s Laboratory for Advanced Computing (LAC), and Northwestern University’s International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR). The high-performance servers were custom built by Mike Stefanelli, one of four ADNET Systems employees working on the HECN team.
The attached picture was provided by Jarrett Cohen (NASA/GSFC) and shows the RAID server (x100ssd) and the loaner Brocade MLXe4 switch in the portable rack that HECN sent to SC13.