SESDA Outreach Staff Go the Distance to Promote NASA Science
In October and November, two SESDA Education and Public Outreach specialists traveled to Punta Arenas, Chile, to support NASA’s Operation IceBridge 2012 Antarctic campaign. The mission purpose is to supply critical ice dynamics data, bridging the gap in coverage between the defunct IceSat I and the upcoming IceSat II spacecraft. The IceBridge airborne science campaign to survey polar ice, carries out surveys of the Antarctic in October and November each year and includes scientists, engineers, flight crew, management and outreach personnel from various NASA centers, the Center for the Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets at the University of Kansas and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. Our Education and Public Outreach activities included news stories, blog posts in English and Spanish, photos and videos, educational text chats with classrooms around the United States and Chile, a guest flight for two Chilean teachers and live Tweet events during one of the flights. Our staff help NASA educate the public and especially students by disseminating science results important to surroundings change issues of our time. The image shows SESDA staffer, Maria-José Viñas, interviewing the US Ambassador to Chile, Alejandro Wolff, on the expedition research DC8 aircraft.
March 1st, 2013 at 4:38 pm
This sounds like an awesome and important trip.